Thursday, April 28, 2011

Child Poverty- "Take Action over Child Poverty"

Continuing my research on child poverty if found another article from the source the Evening Standard titled Take Action over Child Poverty. According to the article “the majority of a child’s learning and development takes place outside of the school gates” (paragraph 3). The author suggests that rather than investing funds in the schools in impoverished areas they should put it towards the families income so that they can support their families. To be continued…

Child Poverty

I have chosen to spend the remainder of the year learning about child poverty. The first article that I found on the topic was from the source: Our Sunday Visitor (from June 11, 2010) and titled Stemming the Rising Tide of Child Poverty by Michelle Martin. According to the Duke University Child and Youth well-being Index Project (conducted in June 2010) "about 21 percent of children in the United States will live below the poverty line this year" (paragraph 2). I found this statistic to be quite shocking and alarming. The recession has caused this percentage to rise. And it is extremely difficult to rise from poverty, in fact according to Ralph McCloud, executive director of CCHD and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops domestic anti-poverty effort, "people who grow up in poverty are likely to remain poor as they raise their own children" (paragraph 8). This is why we need to try to provide opportunities for the poor to get a good education so they have the opportunity to rise from the poverty. By allowing this cycle to continue we are creating a permanent lower class and this puts the children that were born into this poverty at an unearned disadvantage in our society. According to the Child and Youth well Being index Project "about one in five children are living in poverty this year [2010], in four states, that number approaches one in four" (Martin). This is clearly a big concern and needs to not be overlooked.